Tie-Down Tamer

The home of the revolutionary Tie-Down Tamer, designed to save truckers from the safety hazard of an unsecured strap.

Tie-Down Tamer

The home of the revolutionary Tie-Down Tamer, designed to save truckers from the safety hazard of an unsecured strap.
$24.95 $37.95

The Tie-Down Tamer helps flatbedders who strap loads manage the straps. Unfortunately, it won't work with chains. Usually, strap ends get tied off. They often get loose at speed. The Tie-Down Tamer operates as a strap winch until the strap is properly tightened. Then you feed the strap's tail end through the winch's slotted handle. After rolling the strap onto the handle where it forms a neat coil, you lock the handle so the coiled strap won't loosen. Then lock down the ratchet and you're ready to go. The working load limit is 3,335 pounds, with an absolute breaking strength of 10,000 pounds.